About Us

LeTip of Manhattan Beach is an exclusive local in-person networking chapter located in Hermosa Beach focused on creating long-term referral sources based on experience and trust.

LeTip of Manhattan Beach adds consistency to networking and prospecting in a way that benefits the collective. Our chapter members are all South Bay locals, established in their fields, and show a continued pursuit to expand their business and bring on new quality clients. 

We build in weekly relationship development across multiple industries who deal with high-net-worth individuals on a daily basis. Meetings are fast, efficient, and promote the education of your value proposition to a large group and their network.

We are an invite only group and application is required. Inquire to come visit our chapter.

Learn More About Us On LeTip’s Website: https://letip.com/chapter-details/?chapter_name=LeTip+of+Manhattan+Beach%2C+CA

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